Skills and Recruitment Ontology

Updated: February 2023
Elisa Margareth Sibarani, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany,
Simon Scerri, Fraunhofer IAIS, Germany,
Aba-Sah Dadzie, KMi, The Open University, UK,
Elisa Margareth Sibarani, Leibniz University Hannover,
Simon Scerri, Fraunhofer IAIS,
XML/RDFS Serialization: SARO (Data Graph Only)
N3 Serialization: SARO


These specifications introduce the SARO Ontology and its vocabulary.

Status of this document

This document arose from the work done in the EDSA project.

Ontology Namespace

@prefix saro:

@prefix esco:

@prefix rdf:

@prefix rdfs:

@prefix so:

@prefix gumo:

Ontology Visualisation

NOTE: For a more interactive experience, explore SARO's [VOCOL instance] using WebVowl

Ontology description

The Skills and Recruitment Ontology (SARO) is a domain ontology representing occupations, skills and recruitment. It is modelled by considering several similar context models, but is mainly inspired by the European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations ontology (ESCO) and The ontology is structured along four dimensions: job posts, skills, qualifications and users.

Job posts refers to job advertisements by organizations. Advertised job openings comprise various essential attributes, such as the job role, title, the relevant sector and other related descriptions (defined by, e.g. job location, date posted, working hours, etc.).

One of the most important job requirements that are usually explicitly define is the list of qualifications fitting for this role, including fundamental skills which are required to fulfil the role. SARO also describes the proficiency level for each skill. Skills are harnessed by a group of users based on their tasks. For example, an educator or trainer could develop training resources related to certain skills or competences. In order to do so, specific skill can be chosen by considering the skill gap of another user group, e.g. the domain specialist.

The ontology also considers and maintains two additional registers for Awarding Body (defined by ESCO) and Curriculum. The former is an official or otherwise recognized institution, organization or company which is able to provide qualifications and certifications. Based on these, curricula can be formed.

Ontology Instances Description

NOTE: SARO Instances ARE NOT covered in the specifications below. For an example list please refer to the visualisation.

Ontology Classes Description


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:needsSkill, saro:requiresQualification
In range of: saro:hasCapability, saro:requiresCapability
Description This class represents a list of skills which is required in a job role


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:toAbsorb
In range of: saro:hasCapacity
Description The class which covers the ability to apply the skills in a professional environment


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:describesResource
In range of: saro:follows
Description This class represents a collection of courses to develop skills


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: saro:derivedFrom, saro:feedsInto
Description The data source represents both the data mined specifically for the project and other third party KBs.


Superclasses rdfs:Resource, saro:User
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:allocatesResourcesTo, saro:defines
In range of: --
Description The Decision Maker class is a group of people who is responsible for the definition of new roles and essential skills for them, who will also influence training of new and existing employees


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:feedsInto
In range of: saro:browses, saro:hasDemand, saro:seeksToFill
Description This class represents the gaps of skills for specific job title


Superclasses rdfs:Resource, saro:User
Subclasses saro:Practitioner, saro:Trainee
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description The Domain Specialist class represents the class of people who is practising or new in a certain domain


Superclasses rdfs:Resource, saro:User
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:develops
In range of: --
Description The Educator or Trainer class represents the institution and personnel who will develop learning resources


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: saro:hasExpertise, saro:leadsTo, saro:requiresExpertise
Description An advanced or exceptional knowledge or skill in an area or topic


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:drivenByInterest, saro:drivenByKnowledge
In range of: saro:drives, saro:satisfies
Description This class defines list of information which is required as a target to be fulfilled by training resource


Superclasses rdfs:Resource, saro:User
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:browses
In range of: --
Description The J.Public class is a group of people which is called non-domain end user, who may or may not be a technology expert


Superclasses so:JobPosting, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:advertisedIn, saro:describes
In range of: --
Description a listing that describes a job opening in a certain organization


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:foundIn, saro:requiresCapability, saro:requiresExpertise, saro:requiresKnowledge, saro:requiresSkill
In range of: saro:defines, saro:describes, saro:hasDemandFor
Description The title of the job


Superclasses esco:Concept, rdfs:Resource, saro:Skill
Subclasses saro:Product, saro:Tool
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description This class represents specialised and relevant skill for jobs within a specific economic sector, context or occupation


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:definesSkill, saro:derivedFrom
In range of: saro:createdFrom, saro:feedsIntoKB
Description A class represents the underlying set of know-what e.g. programming languages, design tools


Superclasses saro:DomainSpecialist, rdfs:Resource, saro:User
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description The Practitioner class represents a group of people who is practising in a certain domain


Superclasses esco:Concept, saro:JobSpecificSkill, rdfs:Resource, saro:Skill
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description This class represents skill which is related to an ability to use a particular product to support the job task


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: saro:atProficiencyLevel
Description This class represents a measurement system based on popular standards for the level of understanding and ability in a certain skill


Superclasses esco:Concept, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:feedsIntoKB, saro:qualificationExpirationPeriod
In range of: saro:leadsToQualification, saro:legallyRequiredQualification, saro:requiresQualification
Description The Qualification class represents the official or formal certification of one or more acquired skills or competences


Superclasses rdfs:Resource, saro:User
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:seeksToFill
In range of: --
Description The Recruiter class is the class of people who usually take in charge for the recruitment process in an organization and he/she may also influence the language in and the interpretation of job advertisement


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:hasDemand
In range of: saro:advertisedIn, saro:foundIn, saro:isCoreTo
Description The sector associated with the job position


Superclasses esco:Concept, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses saro:JobSpecificSkill, saro:Product, saro:Tool, saro:TransversalSkill
In domain of: saro:acquiredVia, saro:atProficiencyLevel, saro:coOccursWith, saro:drives, saro:frequencyOfMention, saro:isCoreTo, saro:leadsTo, saro:leadsToQualification, saro:requires, saro:isBroaderThan
In range of: saro:coOccursWith, saro:definesSkill, saro:fillSkillGap, saro:hasEssentialSkill, saro:hasSkill, saro:hasSkillGap, saro:needsSkill, saro:relatedTo, saro:requires, saro:requiresSkill, saro:toAbsorb, saro:isBroaderThan, saro:subSkill
Description The skill class represents the ability to carry out managerial or technical tasks


Superclasses esco:Concept, saro:JobSpecificSkill, rdfs:Resource, saro:Skill
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description This class represents skill which is related to an ability to use a particular tool to support the job task


Superclasses saro:JobSpecificSkill, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description This class represents all demonstrated abilities to apply skills in a certain topic


Superclasses saro:DomainSpecialist, rdfs:Resource, saro:User
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description The Trainee class represents a group of people who is new in a certain domain


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:createdFrom, saro:relatedTo, saro:satisfies
In range of: saro:acquiredVia, saro:allocatesResourcesTo, saro:describesResource, saro:develops
Description This class covers the resources which is created in purpose of specific curricula and related skill


Superclasses esco:Concept, rdfs:Resource, saro:Skill
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description This class represents list of skills which are relevant to a broad range of occupations and sectors. They are often referred to as core skills, basic skills or soft skills


Superclasses saro:TransversalSkill, rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: --
In range of: --
Description Ability in spoken or written natural languages, as a skill


Superclasses esco:Concept, rdfs:Resource, saro:Skill
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:subSkill
In range of: --
Description A specialised skill that is composed of multiple other known skills, e.g. IT Project Management, but is not as yet defined as a standalone skill


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses saro:DomainSpecialist, saro:EducatororTrainer, saro:J.Public, saro:Practitioner, saro:Recruiter, saro:Trainee
In domain of: saro:hasExpertise, saro:hasSkill, saro:hasSkillGap
In range of: saro:forUserType
Description The User class represents people who able to do one or more tasks


Superclasses rdfs:Resource
Subclasses --
In domain of: saro:forUserType
In range of: --
Description The User Task class covers list of tasks for every type of user in the context

Ontology Properties Description


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:ComplexSkill
Range saro:Skill
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description A subskill that a complex skill is composed of.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Skill
Range saro:TrainingResource
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property marks that a skill can be acquired via one or more training resource.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:JobPosting
Range saro:Sector
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Links one job posting to one sector.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:DecisionMaker
Range saro:TrainingResource
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to link the decision maker with the training resources which has been allocated or influenced by him.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Skill
Range saro:ProficiencyLevel
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property marks that a skill could have one ProficiencyLevel.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:J.Public
Range saro:Demand
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description User type public is able to browse the demand, therefore this property is used to link public with specific demand.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Skill
Range saro:Skill
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description One skill possibly occurs together with another skill in a specific job posting, and the property points to one or more skill.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:TrainingResource
Range saro:KnowledgeBase
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to refer to knowledge base which creates the training resource.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:DecisionMaker
Range saro:JobRoleOrType
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to link the decision maker with the new roles which has been defined by him.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:KnowledgeBase
Range saro:Skill
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to refer to skill which is defined by the knowledge base.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:KnowledgeBase
Range saro:DataSource
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to refer to data source that derives the knowledge base.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:JobPosting
Range saro:JobRoleOrType
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Links one job posting to its role or type.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Curriculum
Range saro:TrainingResource
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to refer to training resource which is described by the curriculum.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:EducatororTrainer
Range saro:TrainingResource
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to link the training course which has been developed by an educator or trainer.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:InformationNeed
Range gumo:Interest
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to refer to interest which drives the information need.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:InformationNeed
Range gumo:Knowledge
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to refer to knowledge which drives the information need.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Skill
Range saro:InformationNeed
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description One skill can drive the information need.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Demand
Range saro:DataSource
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property marks that a demand could contribute to one or more data source.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Qualification
Range saro:KnowledgeBase
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property links the qualification with knowledge base that indicates the contribution for adding the knowledge base.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain gumo:Goal
Range saro:Skill
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to refer to which skill does a goal will fill the defined gap.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain gumo:Plan
Range saro:Curriculum
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to refer to curriculum which is followed by a plan.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:UserTask
Range saro:User
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to refer a specific user task with the user.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:JobRoleOrType
Range saro:Sector
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Links one Job Role to a sector.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Skill
Range xsd:integer
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description One skill usually specify their number of occurrence in a particular job posting, in which it points out to an integer.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain geo:Location
Range saro:Capability
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to refer a location with the capability for that specific location.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain geo:Location
Range saro:Capacity
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to refer a location with the capacity for that specific location.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Sector
Range saro:Demand
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description One sector could specify their demand, and the property points to one or more demand.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain geo:Location
Range saro:JobRoleOrType
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property links the location to one or more job role or type which indicates that there is a demand for a location toward specific job role.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain esco:Occupation
Range saro:Skill
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property links the occupation with one or more skill in which those occupation must have.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:User
Range saro:Expertise
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Links a user with his expertise.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:User
Range saro:Skill
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Links a user with the skill of which he has been qualified for.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:User
Range saro:Skill
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Links a user with the skill of which he has not been qualified for.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Skill
Range saro:Sector
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property marks that a skill is a core to one or more sector.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Skill
Range saro:Expertise
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property marks that a skill could lead to one or more expertise.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Skill
Range saro:Qualification
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property marks that a skill could define one or more qualification.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain esco:Occupation
Range saro:Qualification
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property links the occupation with one or more qualification.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Capability
Range saro:Skill
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Links a capability with the required skill for that capability.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Qualification
Range xsd:duration
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Records the period of how long a qualification is valid.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:TrainingResource
Range saro:Skill
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to refer to skill which relates to one or more training resource.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Skill
Range saro:Skill
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description One skill can simultaneously consist of various skill subclasses as defined by SARO. These are semantically related to the parent skill through this property.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:JobRoleOrType
Range saro:Capability
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description One job role usually specify their required capability, and the property points to one or more capability.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:JobRoleOrType
Range saro:Expertise
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description One job role usually specify their required expertise, and the property points to one or more expertise.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:JobRoleOrType
Range gumo:Knowledge
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description One job role usually specify their required knowledge, and the property points to one or more knowledge.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Capability
Range saro:Qualification
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description Links a capability with the required qualification for that capability.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:JobRoleOrType
Range saro:Skill
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description One job role usually specify their required skill, and the property points to one or more skill.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:TrainingResource
Range saro:InformationNeed
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to refer to information need which is satisfied by the training resource.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Recruiter
Range saro:Demand
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description A recruiter is responsible for the recruitment process of specific job role, but first should get the demand picture of those role and therefore this property is used to link recruiter with specific demand.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Capacity
Range saro:Skill
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description This property is used to refer to a capacity which could absorb the specific skill.


Type rdf:Property, rdfs:Resource
Domain saro:Skill
Range saro:Skill
Superproperties --
Subproperties --
Description A skill can be characterised by means of other related specific skills, or a skill can be mapped to a higher-level skills.